

Friday, 22 June 2012

6 Things I am Unexpectedly Loving...

1. Things that are metallic that are not usually metallic

Cotton On 'Mermaid metallic jumper' (left) and Rachael Ruddick Torres Clutch (right)

2. Snoop Dogg

Wha' gwan

3. Turtlenecks

4. Non-whimsical Florals - with flowers like I used to draw in primary school

Opening Ceremony Pre-Spring 2013

5. Big chunky bright red jumpers


6. This outfit from Giovanna Battaglia

One of those situations where you would never ever think to pick it up off the rack yourself ... but then you see someone else wearing it and you start to reconsider your tastes. Love the check and leopard print combo.

Bec xx

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